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253 lines
***** Super Cheater v2.42 *****
by Karrim 'The GrandHacker'
Moscow, 1992
This program is donated to the public domain. You may distribute it
freely, provided you do not change the code, the documentation, the
program and the author names, no fee is charged, and the packaging is not
This current release of Super Cheater v2.42 includes:
cheater.exe - the main program file
cheater.hlp - the help file
readme.doc - this file.
Version 2.xx adds a whole lot of totally new features. Refer to the
'Version update information' chapter for more information.
ABOUT Super Cheater :
This program allows you to customize your games. It removes
protection, adds infinite lives, infinite weapons, etc...
In versions 2.xx, you can run your program from Super Cheater
(without exiting to DOS), to test the effect of the poke on your game.
CHEATING with Super Cheater :
After loading the program, you must enter the 'Choose Game' window
then choose a game from the list by pressing Enter. The currently chosen
game name is written on the bottom line of the screen (it is 'none' after
When done, a new window appears where all the available pokes, or
services for this game are listed. When you choose a service by pressing
Enter, the program will search for a specific file to alter in the current
If it is not found, an error message will appear. If so, enter the
'Options\Change Directory' window, and enter the directory your game is
located in, then press Esc (additional help available on F1). Then try
to make the poke once again.
Sometimes, the poke will be impossible to make. This will happen if:
* The disk or the file is read-only.
* In the version of the game you have, the file to be poked has
a different name than the one in the version I received.
* The file has a different size than in my version; this might
happen if your file has been compressed (or uncompressed) by
EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE, DIET, etc..., or a virus is hiding
inside your file, or it has not been properly cleaned after
a virus attack, or you are trying to cheat Super Cheater.
* Sometimes when I received the game and the files to poke were
compressed, it was impossible to find the strings to alter in
the compressed files. For the poke to be possible, you must
uncompress it. In such cases, I always warn the user, so don't
loose the 'cheater.hlp' file.
For every poke, when it is not made into a save file, I provide the
possibility to restore the file to its original state. So before giving the
game to anyone, please restore it to the state you received it in.
The versions 2.xx of Super Cheater now implement a useful feature:
you can start playing without exiting to DOS.
You can run a program by either choosing the corresponding option
in the 'Options' window, or by pressing Ctrl-R from other windows (except
the 'Choose Directory' screen). Of course, it will work only if you have
chosen a game in the 'Choose Game' window.
This feature is implemented with the help of Kim Kokkonen's ExecSwap
utility. Before the program is run, the memory occupied by Super Cheater
is swapped to disk or to EMS if it available. You have the possibility to
disable EMS swapping if you wish to leave it all to the program to be called
( Wing Commander for instance makes heavy use of EMS). If no EMS is
detected, the 'Swap to EMS' option will be disabled.
If there is not enough EMS to swap the contents of the memory, it
will be swapped to disk. Of course, if there is not enough room on disk,
the run sequence will be aborted, and an error message will pop. It is
up to you either to get some free EMS or disk space.
Some programs require lengthy command line parameter strings in order
to run, hence the batch files that are needed to launch them. You can run
your program with any command line (up to 79 characters) by entering it
into the 'Parameters' option of the 'Options' window. Only the first 10
chars will be displayed, and if the line is longer, an asterisk ('*')
will appear in the 10th position.
Memory requirements:
The portion that Super Cheater leaves resident after memory swap equals
about 11-12 kB. The 'Run' feature has been tested with DOS 3.30 (with
570 kB on boot-up) and it was enough for all of the programs to run. And
it of course gave the same results with DRDOS 5.0-6.0 and MSDOS 5.0.
N.B.: Due to size requirements, from version 2.40 onwards, I allow the
----- user to run only those programs, for which there are not only
unprotection services. The 'Run' feature was intended in the first place
in order to let users choose, say, infinite ammo, then practice the game
a bit, then exit back to Super Cheater to restore the standard amount of
ammo or to try another cheat. There was no sense in letting people trying
protect/unprotect patches from the program.
F1 - General Help
F2 - Program Information (I usually put there comments
about the cheats or the games)
Ctrl-R - Run program
Ctrl-Q - Exit
This program is distributed as is. I could not be held responsible
for any damage caused by the use of this software.
v2.42 (28/03/92)
Added unprotection for
* Megafortress - Three-Sixty
v2.41 (23/12/91)
Added unprotection for
* Red Lightning - SSI
v2.40 (17/12/91)
Added unprotection for
* F117/A - Microprose
* Castles - Interplay
* International Soccer Challenge - MicroStyle
* Atomino (German Version) - Psygnosis
* Battle Chess II - Chinese Chess - Interplay
In order to save space, I now prevent people from running games
from Super Cheater that have only code removal.
v2.35 (29/11/91)
Added infinite fuel for
* Gunship 2000 - Microprose
v2.34 (18/10/91)
Added unprotection for
* Search for the King - Accolade
v2.33 (16/10/91)
1. Added unprotection for
* Hard Ball II - Accolade
2. Some minor cosmetic changes.
3. Fixed a minor bug in the LHX unprotection service.
v2.32 (18/09/91)
Added unprotection for
* F-29 Retaliator - Ocean
v2.31 Added a whole lot of new features: (15/09/91)
1. Run program feature (with memory swap to EMS or disk);
2. Changing drive is now possible in 'Change Directory' window;
3. The 'Change Directory' window is now aware of substed drives;
4. Games are now sorted by names in alphabetical order;
5. Removed the 'Sound' option from the 'Options' menu, which
was supposed to fill an almost empty window;
6. The Help file is also searched for in the path, so now you can
run Super Cheater from any directory, provided it is in the
7. Added code removal for a new game:
* SimEarth - Maxis
v1.30 (14/09/91)
1. Added Unprotecion for
* Altered Destiny - Accolade
v1.29a (12/09/91)
1. Added Infinite Ammo & Bombs for
* Knights of the Sky - Microprose
v1.29 (11/09/91)
1. Added unprotection for:
* Caveman Ugh 'Lympics - Dynamix/Electronic Arts
v1.28 (10/09/91)
1. Added unprotection for 5 games:
* Knights of the Sky - Microprose
* Harley Davidson - MindScape
* Chuck Yeager's AFT II - Electronic Arts
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Image Works
* Savage Empire - Origin Systems
Versions 24,25,26,27 skipped.
v1.23b (7/09/91)
1. Fixed a small bug in the 'Xenon II' Infinite Energy service.
v1.23a (5/09/91)
1. Fixed a small bug in the 'Alien Syndrome' service, that disabled
the 'Player 2 Infinite Lives' and 'Stop Time' options.
v1.23 First public release: (1/09/91)
Contains pokes for 23 games: (in order of cracking)
* Prince of Persia - Broderbund
* Xenon ][ - The BitMap Brothers
* Gunship - Microprose
* F-15 Strike Eagle - Microprose
* Pirates! - Microprose
* MechWarrior - Activision
* LHX Attack Chopper - Electronic Arts
* Alien Syndrome - SEGA
* BattleTech - Infocom
* Populous - Electronic Arts
* Asterix - Nathan Logiciels
* Battle Hawks 1942 - LucasFilm
* Centurion - Defender of Rome - Bits of Magic
* Battle of Britain - LucasFilm
* Life and Death - The Software Toolworks
* Pharaoh - CHIP
* Wing Commander - Origin Systems
* Wings of Fury - Broderbund
* Captain Keen - Apogee Software
* Atomix - Thalion
* Eye of the Beholder - SSI
* CountDown - Access Software
* Crack Down - SEGA
Program development started in April 1991.
For patience : Iana
For suggestions : Zon, Alik 'Le Petit Suisse'
For games : Alik 'Le Petit Suisse', The Alligator
For bug reports : Nikolai Panyshkin, Izotov Maxim
For tools : =SEN=, for his magic VIHE 2.2
If you have any suggestions, queries, or problems, leave me a message at
any Moscow BBS (where I am registered) to the name Karim Khalfa or to my FIDO
address 2:5020/35.6. I mostly welcome bug reports.
All games cracked using Turbo Debugger 1.0 & 2.0 on my faithful Gulipin 286.
Program written in Turbo Pascal 5.5.
Last compile date : March 28, 1992.
Compile Site : Moscow